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Regular exercise is part of your job

Regular Exercise Is Part of Your JobRon Friedman When we think about the value of exercise, we tend to focus on the physical benefits. Lower blood pressure, a healthier heart, a more attractive physique. But over the past decade, social scientists have quietly amassed compelling evidence suggesting that there is …
Mentoring: The sensible succession plan
South Africa has recently witnessed numerous succession disasters in companies and parastatals. Eskom, Transnet, Post Office, SAA, SABC and many more have been victim to leadership replacements that did not deliver the expected results. An alarming number of newly minted leaders fail spectacularly, ill prepared to do the jobs for …
Stop losing the best stuff – start journaling!
Making the right decision. 3 Key Steps.
It is often ironic that successful people around us make bad decisions – Oscar Pistorius shoots his girlfriend, Tiger Woods cheats on his wife, Lance Armstrong uses enhancement drugs. The fact is that the more successful people become, the more options opens up for them – the more options one has, the …